Chamba Millennium B.Ed. College has great significance in my life. It is always one of priorities on my agenda. I believe in professionalism and in delegating responsibilities to others. Therefore, I believe the physical presence is not always essential. It is without doubt closest to my heart.
According to me both student’s and Teachers have their own moral obligation “dharma”. The student’s moral duty would be to study sincerely and obey and respect teachers while the teacher’s duty is to encourage, motivate and facilitate talent of the student. But a successful relationship can be brought about only when both perform their duties. The interaction should be healthy fair and frank. This requires utmost trust in each other and the teacher should play a proactive role of a mentor. Life is very mechanical nowadays and to keep up with that moral value which our college imparts to its students is done in the best possible way.
I am quite satisfied with the achievements of the college but there is always a scope for improvement and enhancement of our potentials. But we must keep aspiring to reach newer goals. I have engaged a professional landscaper so that we can enhance the beauty of our college by adding some new courses.
Last but not the least feel proud and privileged that you are born in this great country which relies on great values and believes in the development of wholesome personalities taking into consideration the physical, intellectual emotional and spiritual growth.
Develop the right attitudes, right habits, right values in life. Excel in whatever you do. Have faith in yourself.
All the best!
Kuvinder Mahajan